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2000 A.D.:  A Buddhist Monk From Myanmar, named  Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu, Sees Horrifying Things In the Afterlife



There is an account that is apparently pretty widely believed among some South East Asian Buddhists of a Buddhist Monk from Myanmar that died and spent three days learning, in the afterlife, that it is only Jesus Christ that can save men from the pit of fire.

 It was reported in the year 2000 A.D., but I can't find the exact date it happened.  Some caution is advised.

  One place I read the account from was here:

  There are other places to read it from, easily enough found by searching for  " Buddhist monk or priest after death experience "  or something similar. 

  It has created quite a stir, and audio tapes of his testimony are said to be banned.  He has received pressure to be quiet, they say, but instead continues to boldly testify that Christ is the savior of man...Christ and no other.

  Some of the sources call it Christian propaganda.  But others say that it is not... that it is a true account.  Fairly specific place names and dates are given pertaining to some details.  I'd say it's definately worth taking a look at!  Especially if you are Bhuddist, or work in a mission among Buddhists.

  Make up your own mind.  May God guide your judgement through the Holy Spirit.