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Approx 31 A.D.:  Three hours of darkness while Jesus hangs tortured on the cross in mid day?  Some historical evidence!



  Some things mentioned as happening on the day that Jesus was crucified are startling.  The temple curtain tore from top to bottom of its own accord.  There were earthquakes.  Some who were dead emerged from their tombs and walked around for a time?  But one of the most amazing is that the daytime became night time in Jerusalem in the hours from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM.  Now if that was a real phenomenon, and more than just a localized phenomenon, then it should have been mentioned by other cultures, right?  And some of those mentions might still exist, we might speculate.  

  Well, according to certain historical writings there are evidence of that startling occurrence being seen by other cultures nearly 2,000 some years ago now.  Someone has made a nice website detailing some of these historical references, so I will direct you to them with this link.  But remember if you wish to return afterwards that you are presently at the Deeds of God website at    for when you are done reading about this topic.

  The link: