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     Esther, the World War II Holocaust, American Abortion, and the Nuremberg Trials:  Do The Events and Certain of the Numbers (10,000, 127, 180, and 10) Connect the Book of Esther With These Events?


"The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the righteous stand firm."  Proverbs 12:7  (see the 12 7 ?)




High ranking Nazi defendants at the Nuremberg trials.  Ten of them were soon to hang.  Those who hung were ironically then cremated, like the bodies of Jews killed in the gas chambers that they kept so amply supplied during WWII.  The ashes of the hung and cremated Nazi defendants were dumped in the nearby Isar River. 



         On January 27 (which is a 1 and a 27) each year there is a United Nations assigned day of memorial called International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  This day of the year was chosen because during World War II, on that day in 1945, the hard fighting Soviet troops battled their way to and liberated the Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps in Poland.  Good job Russia!  Some sources cite that over 1 million Jewish people had been 'exterminated' in those camps by German soldiers, then incinerated, the ashes of their bodies going up in smoke towards the heavens almost like an atonement offering of some sort, or a plea for rescue...something, from a people that had been often sent wandering as refugees from first one place and then another for around 1900 years.  And strangely, the Polish word for Auschwitz is said to be derived from the term 'to sanctify'.  I can't begin to say what that might mean.  Although about 7,000 Jewish prisoners remained in the camps that day the Soviets arrived, many more - tens of thousands, by report - were marched about nine days earlier in winter temperatures and without food to the town of Wodzislaw about 35 miles away and were then put on a train there to be taken to other camps where they could be used as laborers for the Nazi war effort.  It can be cold in Poland in January, and the prisoners were weak and often ill.  About 1 in 4 of the people on that particular march  reportedly died on the way.


     It wasn't the only 'death march' endured by captive Jews as the war ended and their Nazi captors tried to get them away from the camps before the Allied Forces moved in.  Here is an excerpt from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website under the category of 'death marches': 

     "The Nazis often killed large groups of prisoners before, during, or after marches. During one march, 7,000 Jewish prisoners, 6,000 of them women, were moved from camps in the Danzig region bordered on the north by the Baltic Sea. On the ten-day march, 700 were murdered. Those still alive when the marchers reached the shores of the sea were driven into the water and shot."

End Quote


     Can you imagine watching that many helpless Jewish women prisoners meeting their end in that manner?  And these are Israelites...Jews...whom God called His chosen people.  When we endure our Christian trials we should remember that Jesus and His Father do let their followers be tested with trials, sometimes unthinkably severe trials.  


     It was noted that even battle hardened Soviet soldiers were sickened by what they saw inside the camps themselves.  It was, as we know, an attempt to exterminate the Jews, the 'chosen people of God' as the Bible Old Testament tells us, from as much of Europe as possible.  The living Jews still in the camps were in horribly emaciated shape. 


     Christian's believe that the Jews won't be on the path to salvation until they recognize that Jesus was their Messiah, but I believe that will happen, the scriptures say it will and that, in the mean time, the Holy Father guides the Jews and watches very closely how people and nations treat them.  They are the people chosen by our Holy Father since the ancient days, a branch 'cut out of the tree' for a time because of rejecting Christ, but a branch that will be 'grafted back in to the tree' when the end times events arrive.  In the mean time, we should recall the Father's sentiments that those who bless His people Israel will be blessed and those who curse His people will be cursed.


        Concerning the Holocaust of World War II there is at least one book in the Bible that might prophetically foretell it, and that is the Book of Esther.  Other books may hint at it, and may be pre-figuring it.  But Esther honestly describes an eerily similar situation.  And the numbers associated with the Book of Esther seem to also correlate to the holocaust.  And World War II is not the only 'holocaust' which it seems to relate to in some ways.  Our holocaust of the innocents...our huge abortion disgrace here in the USA...may be hinted at in some ways.




     The Location of Susa, Xerxes Persian Capitol, In the Persian Gulf Area.  The Events In Esther Occurred Circa 460 B.C. 


     Some instances from Esther of holocaust connections:  in the opening of Esther there is a king of Persia, King Xerxes, who is holding a great celebration for the 127 provinces of his kingdom at their capitol city of Susa.  That number, 127, is firmly linked to the holocaust in our time due to 01/27 being International Holocaust Remembrance Day, as mentioned, which wouldn't be that meaningful necessarily except that the events of Esther and the events of the World War II holocaust both involve a plot to wipe out the Jewish people.  That honestly starts to be a little more unlikely of a coincidence.  The great celebration that the king holds in the beginning of the book of Esther lasts for 180 days.  That is a slightly strange duration to choose.  It isn't half of a year...not half of a 365 day year.  It is half of a 360 day year, which some of the ancient cultures used in general.  And it is 1/2 the degrees in a circle if that applies.  But they knew by King Xerxes time that a year was longer than 360 days.  King Xerxes I (also called King Ahasuerus) was a historical king who seems to have died in 465 B.C., so it's not some metaphorical story, if some are thinking that.  So, all right, they picked 180 days for the king's party, and that's unusual seeming, very long for one thing!  Lots of hang overs, perhaps some weight gain for the attendees.  


      But here is an admittedly tangential possible modern day connection:  there is a documentary film out recently in our time that is titled "180" that is a powerful anti-abortion film that you can watch for free on some internet sites.  And it is about the "other holocaust" against innocent pre-borns that don't have their opportunity to grow up and choose Jesus and be people of God.  It is titled "180", by the way,  because some of the pro-abortion people spoken with in that movie change their opinion "180 degrees" due to the interesting questions and points brought up during the interviews they have with a pro-life evangelist who led the movie.  


     The slaughter of babies is punished in other parts of the Bible.  Moses was almost killed as a baby due to an Egyptian policy of forcing male Hebrew babies to be left out to die in the elements to keep the Hebrew population suppressed.  And 80 years later when God caused the plagues to descend on Egypt the final and most painful plague of all was the death of the Egyptian first born throughout the land of Egypt, all in a single night.  The very atrocity the Egyptians inflicted on God's chosen people came back to bite them in a similar manner.     


      But, back on point, there does happen to be a certain holocaust pertinence for the number 180 and the number 127 which are found in the first chapter of the Book of Esther. 


     Here is another strange coincidence between the Book of Esther and the World War II holocaust:  In the Book of Esther the bad guy, Haman the Agagite, built a tall gallows intending to kill the Jew named Mordecai on it.  Mordecai was a good guy who had raised his niece Esther, the heroin of the story.  But Haman, once revealed as a bad guy who plotted the destruction of Esther's people the Jews, ended up being hung on his own gallows.  Likewise, or perhaps prophetically, after World War II some top Nazi's were captured, imprisoned, and publicly tried for their war crimes at Nuremberg.  Upon being found guilty, they were first hung, and then their bodies were incinerated.  The World War II Jewish prisoners were gassed then incinerated.  So the Nazis at Nuremberg ironically met the same fate as they had designed and intended for their enemy the Jew, just as happened between Haman and Mordecai. 


     Another strange thing is that the Nazis ostensibly meant to elevate themselves and Germany beneath the eyes of the King (I speak about God the King, because Germany was a Catholic and Protestant nation, elements of whom felt they were practically doing the work of God by ridding Europe of the Jews.)  But in the end they became an instrument for showing the world just how far our God will shake up the whole planet to ensure the survival of His 'chosen people'.   In like manner, in the Book of Esther there is a point where the scheming Haman was thinking that he would be honored beneath the eyes of mighty Xerxes but instead it was Mordecai, Haman's iintended victim, that was honored, and it was to the great humiliation of Haman himself that this was done as, in a surprise twist, it was Haman himself who was commanded by King Xerxes to find Mordecai and lead Mordecai around the capitol city of Susha on a decked out horse while calling out 'thus shall it be done to the man the king deliteth to honor!'  Pretty similar plot twists in some ways.


     Another interesting point is that United States Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson was appointed by US President Harry Truman to organize with the Allies in preparing what was called 'the London Charter', which were the procedures that would be used for conducting the Nuremberg Trials of the various Nazi war criminals.  The United States famously has 50 states (a number which also happens to match the 50 year calendar Jubilee cycle that the Jews observed for many centuries after the Laws of Moses set it in place.)  The United States only had 48 states at that time, but yes, it later became famous for having exactly 50 states once Alaska and Hawaii were added.  And in the Book of Esther the gallows that Haman built for use against Mordecai was 50 cubits tall.  So Russia, France, Britain, but also America with its 50 states, is associated with the death of Nazi war criminals.  And a 50 cubit tall hanging gallows is associated in scripture with the death of Haman who had wished to wipe out all of the Jews, starting with Mordecai the Jew from the tribe of Benjamin who, unbeknownst to Haman, was Queen Esther's uncle who had raised her.  Russia, by the way, lost so very many people in WWII.  Over 20 times as many as the USA did, for instance.


     Here is another kind of obscure connection between the Book of Esther and the Holocaust:  In Esther, before King Xerxes is ever informed that his own well loved wife is Jewish (for she had been advised by Mordecai, who raised her, to keep it secret) Xerxes' right-hand man (chamberlain) Haman, who hates the Jews, approaches Xerxes and tells him about this horrible people group that lives throughout Xerxes kingdom (the Jews he hates, of course!) and says that Xerxes would do himself and his kingdom a big favor if he wiped them all out.  Haman offers to kick in 10,000 talents of silver (NIV Bible) to aid with the extermination of these Jews.  So, in what might possibly be a modern day numerical nod to this ancient offer of payment to exterminate the Jews there is a now very old woman, 97 years old Irmgard Furchner, who is very possibly the last person that will ever be tried for Nazi war crimes because they are all so very old now, and she was a very young secretary at the Stutthof extermination camp in Poland, and she was recently accused and convicted, as some of the news stories read, of being complicit in the "murder of 10,000 Jews" while she worked there.  The number 10,000 was used in the headlines of some of the articles as if it were the correct number, which it very, very likely is not.  But it was used, none the less.  Again, there was speculation that this may be the closing court case for the Nazi war crimes era.   She apparently did not end up serving her time when convicted due to age.  She got a two year suspended sentence.  It was seen by some as a light sentence due to being complicit in the murder of 10,000 having a sentence roughly equivalent to stealing a car and taking it on a joy ride.    


     In the Book of Esther the evil Haman ultimately received his death sentence from the mouth of an angry Xerxes/Ahasuerus in the "Palace of Xerxes/Ahasuerus."  The Nuremberg trials of the principal Nazi war criminals were held in a building that was curiously named "the Palace of Justice".  That is sort of an odd coincidence in that few courtrooms anywhere are named "the Palace" of anything!


     In the Book of Esther, chapter 9, v. 13 - 14, after Haman was hung on the 50 cubit tall pole he had built to hang Mordecai on, the 10 sons of Haman are also hung per the desire of Esther. (Hung, per the King James...Impaled per the NIV, so...not certain which exactly.)  Likewise, in yet another exact numerical match, in the first Nuremberg trials shortly after the end of World War II exactly 10 of the convicted Nazi war criminals actually received the death penalty and were hung on the gallows.  Other top Nazis received different and less severe sentences such as life in prison or long prison terms.  Some were even found not guilty.  Just doing their required military job, I guess, without adding extra atrocity to it?  But there were 10 hangings in each case. 


     Also a parallel of sorts, the plot that Haman cooked up against the Jews happened in Susa/Susha, the Persian capitol.  But that plot backfired and resulted in the death of Haman and his 10 sons also there at Susa/Susha.  In a similar manner, the Nazis - who cooked up the plot to exterminate the Jews - had large annual parties, celebrations of the Nazi cause, at Nuremberg, Germany a number of times before they were defeated.  Once defeated, this same place where these would be Jew exterminators had their huge celebrations is the place where they met their own grim execution.


     So, there are some interesting and quite possibly prophetic connections between the days and events of Esther in the Bible and the days and events of the Nazi holocaust of the Jews and the subsequent Nuremberg trials.  And more learned Christians than I probably can and probably have already noticed this and found even more such correlations. 


      Another 'mystery' is the frequent use of the number 7 in the Book of Esther.  It shows up a lot in that short book.  And these 7's relate to the Persians, not to the Jews who are quite known for observing the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, as a fundamental of their faith.  

     1.)  Xerxes has a seven day party at the end of his 180 day party. 

     2.)  Xerxes wanted Vashti to come dance at his celebration on the seventh day of the seven day celebration.s

     3.)  Xerxes sent his seven Royal Chamberlains to bring Queen Vashti from her separate ladies celebration to his.

     4.)  Xerxes sought out the seven princes of Media and Persia for advice when Vashti refused to come dance for him. 

     5.)  Xerxes first met Esther in the seventh year of his reign. 


     And so, do these 7's point to anything, or are they a coincidence or perhaps just part and parcel of the Persian/Mede society...perhaps they were a very seven-oriented society?  It's a mystery.  But, elsewhere in the Bible it is the Book of Revelation that certainly uses the number seven a great deal.  There are seven seals broken, then seven trumpets judgments, then seven bowl judgments introduced by seven angels, seven churches, seven spirits before the throne, seven golden candlesticks, seven stars held in the hand of Jesus, seven lamps burning before the throne, seven Spirits of God sent out into all of the Earth, seven thunders, a red dragon with seven heads and seven diadems upon those heads, seven angels with seven  plagues, a scarlet beast with seven heads which are actually seven mountains yet also seven kings.  And finally, the 7th foundation of twelve on the walls of the New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven is mentioned as Chrysolite, ('golden' plus 'stone'), a mineral historically associated with the Holy Spirit by Christians, some sources say. 


      So, in light of all of the sevens mentioned above, does part of the Book of Esther perhaps prophetically foretell the end times spoken of in the Book of Revelation?  One thing to remember about end times prophecy is that the Jews are greatly imperiled (as in the Book of Esther) in the end times, but will ultimately be rescued by intervention by God (as God engineered for the Jews to be saved in the nick of time in the Book of Esther.)  The Jews will see Christ in the sky coming with his angels in the end times, scripture says, with their eyes and realize their mistake in not recognizing Him as their Messiah, and they will respond by gathering in prayer and mourning, their men in one place together and the women in another place together.  Then they will finally embrace Jesus as their Messiah.  And their 'apology' will be accepted because it will be earnest. 


     A point to be made about the Book of Esther is that in it, the original wife was replaced by a better wife.  In the Bible the Old Covenant was replaced by the New, and the followers of Moses' law by the followers of Jesus, or so the Christian scriptures teach and I believe.  Then, in another later time (which may be speaking of the Bible end times), in the Book of Esther, the Jews were first slated for destruction by Xerxes, the top authority, because of the wrongs they were accused of by Haman.  In our time the accusations of the Palestinian terror organization named Hamas (sounds and reads almost like Haman in English, the reigning major language of our modern time, which might be a clue...maybe) , yes, Hamas is egging on the world to cheer them on as they plot to destroy the modern day Jews in Israel.  But in the Book of Esther the edict for the destruction of the Jews was reversed because of their belatedly discovered connection with one who was greatly loved by Xerxes, the top authority (I'm talking about Esther, Xerxes' love for his wife Esther.)  And in all reality, God the Father Almighty is ever and always the greatest authority.  So maybe the Jews reversal of fortune to the good in the Book of Esther is referring to them recognizing that they were wrong not to see Jesus was their Messiah and then, by accepting Jesus, they will be granted a reprieve from the attacks upon them, and they shall be rescued and their attacking enemies destroyed.  So who is Esther representing?  I think that she may be representing the Christian world or church.  Just a thought.  We can now enter the presence of the Holy Father because of Jesus much like how Esther could enter the presence of Xerxes because he found favor for her, this woman who was prepared to belong to him through the training and preparation of Esther by Mordecai.  Who then does  Mordecai represent?  It is said in the Book of Esther that Mordecai's influence grew and grew after the Jews were saved by him and Esther.  That is language similar to what is used in the Book of Daniel concerning the stone, uncut by human hands (Jesus!) that fell upon the feet of the colossus from Nebuchadnezzar's frightening dream, cracking the colossus clear to the top, causing it to crumble and fall into dust that was removed from the scene by a great wind.  And then that rock grew and grew and grew until it took up the whole world.  Mordecai grows in influence something like, a little like that, at the end of the Book of Esther.  So, could Mordecai represent Jesus?  Mordecai reported two of Xerxes servants, gatekeepers, who were plotting against Xerxes.  They were investigated, found guilty, and executed.  And Mordecai pleased Xerxes greatly by doing this, but not at the very first.  Mordecai's reward was delayed.  Likewise Jesus replaced two formerly trusted entities, the Law and the Prophets, but at first it only seemed to bring Jesus and His followers grief.  But though delayed, in time Jesus' influence upon the Earth among we humans began to grow greatly.  Esther was a bride given to Xerxes through Mordecai.  Christians, Christ's accepted followers whoever all they end up being, are a 'bride' created through Jesus' work to be given to the Father.  All that Jesus has He will one day turn and give to the Father so that the Father may be all in all. (1 Cor 15:20)  But these are just current thoughts I am having about the Book of Esther and certainly won't be fully right, and may even be quite incorrect!   Hope not!  But God has full knowledge of the truth.  I am just a sinner seeking Christ's grace and mercy, and while I think about the scriptures a lot I do not have God's audible voice to go by!                 


     God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit see ahead through the centuries with unerring precision, especially the Holy Father, who knows even the day and hour of the very greatest end times events, some of which Jesus admitted that only His Father knew the exact specifics of.  I am only speculating at these connections between the Book of Esther and the Holocaust, but the true stories recounted in the Bible's pages sometimes do also offer glimpses into future events.  We know that much.  Reading them, identifying them, and interpreting them properly can be another matter, and has left more than a few 'interpreters' in a state of embarrassment for assuming too great of an insight into what future events were being alluded to.  Also, as Sigmund Freud is credited with saying, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar!"  Maybe we read in double meanings where no such meanings were planted. 


     So again, I think this is all very interesting, but I am only discussing things that I noticed.  It is only God who has true and complete knowledge, not any man, and certainly not a man of average intellect.  But there is that old saying:  "Even a blind dog finds a bone sometimes."  Searching the scriptures always seems to yield up new insights and more interesting finds to ponder.  God our Father and Maker is all mighty and all knowing. 














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