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Quick and 'Easy to Share' Proofs of God Found In Our DNA!


1.)  DNA is like a coiled ladder within the nucleus of each of our bodies cells which also has switches along its length to activate or de-activate certain stretches of the DNA's coiled length based on that cell's function, for instance.  A brain cell has certain sequences of its DNA ladder 'activated' that a lung cell does not, and vice versa. In each of our cells, in the nucleus, there are about 3 billion 'rungs' in each DNA strand's ladder, and each of our cells contains this entire ladder, though different rungs on any given cell's ladder will be activated based on that type of cell's design function among many other things.  A coherent message formed by 3 billion 'rungs' cannot happen by accident.   

2.)  More than a decade ago scientists confidently informed us that about 98% of our DNA was leftover junk (Junk DNA was the name that stuck) from our 'human journey of evolution' that the cell replication process just carried along for no apparent reason.  That has now been shown to be a ridiculous and woefully erroneous thing to teach people.  They now say that junk DNA contains switches and conditional instructions concerning when and how and under what conditions certain other portions of the DNA should activate.  One study reported that they proved that about 80% of the junk DNA had a necessary or at least quite effecting purpose, and that the remaining 20% was still under study...there was just so much to study that they decided to report before the study was fully finished.  It may well be shown that all junk DNA has a definitive design purpose...who knows?

3.) Our DNA is not just coiled like a lasso.  It coils around cylinders, leaving one cylinder and proceeding to coil around the next one, then leaving that cylinder and coiling around the next one, repeat, repeat, repeat.  The cylinders are also arranged in coils, one cylinder next to another in a neatly organized group of coils.  Each cell reportedly has about 6 actual feet of DNA strand length length stored into a nucleus too small to see with the unaided eye, inside of a cell which is too small to see with the unaided eye.  Even the tidy and un-entangled storage of the DNA strand inside so small a space is a master-class in storage efficiency that by no means dreamed itself up by accident through random chance.  It is an ingenious storage solution, and I only partially described it.  And experts probably do not yet know it in its entirety.  After all, these are the same group of scientists who proudly exclaimed they had determined that 98% of DNA was no more than leftover junk.  But already we know that DNA storage within a cell is brilliant to a point bordering upon absolutely ridiculous!

4.)  The 'rungs' of the ladder bridge from one 'ladder rail' to another just as rungs on a carpenter's ladder do.  But there is an amazing discovery being claimed/reported which is said to identify God the Father as the Creator of DNA.  There is another sort of strand called sulfer bridges that reach from rail to rail on the DNA ladder.  As you move along the length of the DNA strand you will come upon a sulfer strand after 6 rungs, then the next sulfer strand after 5 rungs, then the next sulfer bridge after 10 rungs then the next sulfer bridge after 5 rungs.  Then the progression just repeats in that manner on and on and on.  In Hebrew, where every number corresponds to one of their alphabet characters, this forms the Tetragrammaton, repeating forever along the strand.  YHWH, YHWH, YHWH.... using the look-alike letters that my English keyboard is fitted with.  And so, by this correlation, if you travel along any DNA strand in the right direction you will come upon the sacred name of God over and over and over.

5.)  Even very simple creatures have a long and yet coherent string of 'coding' in their DNA which allows and directs and supervises the life form's functions.  Even  if life had begun with a single small single celled life form it would have required both complex and detailed construction instructions as well as complex and detailed instructions on how to function, as well as complex and detailed instructions on how to replicate, and instructions on how to repair survivable types of damage to its own structures.  In other words there is actually no such thing as simplicity when speaking of original single cell life forms, and scientists have been fully aware of this for many years now.  Even the simplest cells require a staggering amount of COHERENT and LOGICAL coding, coding that must be very specifically developed for that life form's needs.  No accidents could create this!     









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