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What Is Going On With Stock Market Stocks Related To Funerals As This Supposed Calamitous COVID-19 Pandemic Stalks Our Lives?  The Proof's In the Pudding!


  Some say we face a genuinely terrible pandemic.  Some say the Satanics are feeling their oats and wanting to make some big moves and it's pretty much a fraud pandemic, though they are working in laboratories trying to gradually manipulate it into ever more deadly variants (claiming that the variants arose naturally by chance) so that they can manipulate public behavior more easily.  Which is more likely?

  I don't see how 'Death Stocks' could fail to answer the question, really.  The stock prices of those companies which deal with our cast off mortal coils...those who bury us or cremate us.  Such companies should be greatly more busy.  They can't help it, and I'm glad they are there.  It's not their fault or a strike against them if there are simply more people dying than usual, right?  If there really are great hordes of people dying from COVID-19 - in other places, apparently never where we ourselves live - then there would be huge numbers of additional funeral services.  If 'they', the nebulous New World Order 'they',  are merely trying to blame every death they can on COVID even if the deaths are actually from other causes that we are long familiar with (pneumonia, flu, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) then we would have about the same number of funerals as usual, and the stock prices of those corporations concerned with selling caskets, selling urns, cremating people, and burying people would not be going through the roof, sky-rocketing in value, etc., because they would be having about the normal number of deaths to deal with.  So be an investigator!  Pull up some stock charts for companies whose work relates to the memorial industries...caskets, burial services, urns, cremations, etc., and see what you find. 

  How is the So and So Company, some major stock involved with the human funerary industry, doing on a 5 year chart, for instance?  What is your impression?  Would you be happy to invest in this stock, and does it illustrate the effects of an actual calamitous pandemic?  Does its chart reflect a flood of deaths above and beyond the usual?  If it shows a recent might be a good time to buy!  But has it skyrocketed beyond the 5 year normal because of COVID-19?  Why or why not?   

  In my opinion such stocks appear that strike me as solid companies and large within their industry are running much as before concerning their stock price.  How have their stock price fared in the age of COVID-19?  From what I could gather looking at the 5 year charts some had a higher stock price in 2016 through 2018 than they ever had afterwards up to now...late Summer of 2021!  Admittedly there are a great many things which effect the price of a stock. general...a large increase in deaths should benefit companies that deal with deaths.  Again, that's no strike against them...thank God they are there, right?  So if business is vigorous...why shouldn't their stock prices reflect that?  When there is a great demand for lumber don't lumber prices go up?  When oil is in great demand don't the oil stocks rise?  So, by extension, shouldn't the stock prices of companies dealing with human deaths reflect a rise during the era of COVID-19 if it is truly a very deadly pandemic that should cause the way the world works, the way that people live, to be turned upside down?        

  If COVID-19 truly is a juggernaut monster of a deadly illness like the Satanics would seemingly have us all believe - if they are able to successfully panic the crowd - then we would see gigantic incredible skyrocketing changes in the stock price of these corporations that are dealing with the huge increases in death events.  They would be working ceaselessly to try to deal with it all.  They would be buried in burials.  But...they would presumably be  whole lot more profitable as well, would you not think?

  So, yes...there is an illness called COVID-19 and it has killed some dearly loved people.  But we are hearing that anyone who dies with COVID-19 in their system is labeled as a COVID death because the hospitals get stipends added to the hospital bill by the government if the death is attributed to COVID. It is said to come to the hospitals through the CARES Act.  It is said to be around a 20% increase above what hospitals are able to collect when dealing with a non-COVID death.  That's quite a lot of financial incentive.  Is that true?  Let smarter people research that.

  Here is what I would suggest we do:  why not look at the profits of death industry stocks in the United States and see what we find.  Look at their 5 year graph and ask yourself if they have risen like you would expect that they would have if there honestly had been a huge and dreadful pandemic, or if they have changed more as if they would have changed if, in perhaps the majority of cases, the cause of death had merely been reassigned to being a COVID-19 death rather than the much more familiar cause that would have brought about the death anyway in a multitude of cases.  See if you find a huge explosion in the profitability of 'Death Stocks' in the last 5 years.  Remember, you are looking for a major explosion in stock price...not the sort of rise that comes from misinformed investors guessing that in a terrible pandemic, such as COVID-19 has been portrayed as being, it would be smart to invest in 'Death Stocks'.

  I won't name a whole bunch of names of the funeral service chains or the casket manufacturers because you have the ability to search as easily as I do, and then you will lead yourself to a conclusion you can feel good about.  But I did not see funeral or burial related stock charts that struck me as impressive evidence of a real and deadly pandemic.  Hospital profits are effected by stipends, and they also say that many hospitals were very busy indeed.  But as for funerals, perhaps the greatest indicator of the severity of a pandemic?  Some funeral related stocks were not really different than they were 3 years ago, or 4 or 5, before COVID-19 was on the scene.  Some were up some lately...but I believe that there would have been a fair amount of rise simply due to speculation that a great number of deaths would bring a great deal of extra profit in death related industries.  Over all I do not think there were the sort of stock price changes in funeral related businesses that would reflect any sort of especially deadly pandemic...not at all.  They had some rises and falls..but honestly I would not look at the charts I did and suspect that anything particularly major had gone on.   

  The more I look into COVID-19 the more it looks like it is an engineered release from the beginning, that a great deal of purposeful governmental lying and exaggeration had attended its spread, and that the so called 'variants' are probably lab-created variants meant to make the disease ever more deadly but in a very slow and controlled manner so that it will not get out of hand to the point of biting the hands that created it.  It looks like it probably really is just a wicked tool to cower the human population into accepting a great number of restrictions on their freedoms and rights for some reason, and to panic them into villainizing their neighbors that won't take the soon-to-be-mandatory vaccine.  After all, if the variants are incrementally being increased in lethality it will truly begin to make it easy to make it look like the unvaccinated really are the problem.  But they are saying that this virus can harbor itself in animals as well as humans, so it's really a fake argument to claim the unvaccinated are preventing us from overcoming the virus.  We would have to vaccinate it out of existence in our pets and farm animals, perhaps even some species for wild animals to ever make COVID-19 fully disappear. And since it's not especially deadly anyway it makes way more sense to just let it run its course - immunize if you want, don't if you don't, and let our God-given collective immune systems learn to deal with it.  It's not the Black Plague.  Versions of this virus were listed on spray sanitizer cans that you could buy at any super-market even many years ago as a virus that the sanitizer was effective against.  

  Look...if God wants us to die from a virus He will succeed.  No matter what else is true, that much is true.  And God gave us a pretty good immune system.  It adapts and is pretty amazing.  I'm all for medicines and the skill of the physician and all of that.  But, God is still sovereign on His throne and always will be.     

  As for COVID, it stinks of fraud from every angle I can think of, actually, and even if I should ever die from it I am now personally convinced that we are being taken on a very bad ride by some very bad people and that the media is almost wholly compromised.  Some of the media may be instructed to play it a certain way.  And some of the COVID-skeptical media may fear the law suits stemming from the deaths of people who listened to them pooh-pooh COVID but then actually died from it.  Their families, the survivors, could sue, saying that their skeptical media coverage of 'the pandemic' misled their dear departed loved one and that's why they didn't go get the inoculation that would have saved them, etc.  And so when it comes to the media, they may have their honest viewpoint that the COVID is a huge deadly threat, or in other cases they may be part of a hoax coming in hidden form from above them from their corporate owners...unbeknownst to most of them in the trenches, and in certain other cases certain other branches of the media may just have to play along and be careful about showing their honestly felt skepticism to avoid legal vulnerabilities.  It's hard to say.  It is impossible for the common person to really know.  

  And just because I think it's a hoax doesn't mean it has to be.  I am personally convinced now, but who am I?  I have a brain that is average.  I use it to see as well as I can.  What I believe I see suggests to me that the severity of this COVID-19 outbreak is mostly a hoax, enough of a hoax to classify it as a hoax.  I have been vaccinated before for other illnesses, but feel no inclination to accept a vaccine that I believe is part of a hoax.  What can I do?  That is where my particular personal investigation of the matter has presently planted my opinion.  I am expecting from what I see shaping up in the political discourse about COVID-19 that I will be excluded from having most jobs within a pretty short time if I do not accept mandatory vaccinations.  I am presently inclined to suspect that very bad people planned this thing and intended it to arrive at this juncture from the start.  I think that is where it looks like this all is heading...mandatory vaccinations soon but more importantly to the orchestrators it will lead to centralized control of average humans, but that's just speculation on my part.  We will see, won't we?

  But as for 'Death Stocks'....they don't seem to indicate that we are presently (Aug 26, 2021 I started writing this) seeing much increase in death activity right now.  Not the sort of increase you'd expect if we were seeing a mighty plague-for-the-ages sweeping through a desperately imperiled humanity. looks a whole lot more like a vastly overblown type of 'occasionally deadly but usually not very deadly sickness' is passing through, I would say.  I fully believe that any sensible people from the 1950's or 1970's would have viewed it that way.  But when you throw in the fraudulent branches of the media pounding the drum on COVID's deadliness with all of their deceit filled might and fury then of course a lot of people are scared into a panic.  They are supposed to fear..they are supposed to panic.  That much is obviously part of some strange plan that is afoot.  That's the point I drive people, through lies and deception, into accepting what they would not ordinarily accept.  Again, we will see before too long.  

  Or perhaps we can even see what is basically going on now, at this very time, if we just use our common sense and look with our clearest eyes at what is being done and by whom.  Centralization, centralized control.  Satan needs it to reign over man.  God Almighty already showed us his feelings towards it at the Tower of Babel.  And Jesus, the true rightful holder of legitimate central authority on Earth by the Holy Father's appointment, has not yet arrived as conqueror.  He has only come to us thus far as teacher and atoning sacrifice.  He has not yet but one day will come again to take the reigns of this world, His Kingdom by Holy Inheritance from the highest of all authorities, so that He may be its just and righteous steward and turn it right over to the will of the Father Almighty as it says He will do in 1 Corinthians 15: 20 - 28, so the Father may be 'all in all', as He actually always has been anyway.  

  Embrace central authority when Jesus comes to take it.  But in any other guise and under any other  point of command it is just some worker of the Devil that seeks you to surrender to it.  The world is far better off with multiple power centers while it remains in the hands of humanity.  They can be checks and balances upon each other.  If whoever is most powerful begins to be corrupt and oppressive to an unbearable degree then the others can gang up against they should perhaps. But once there is only one single authority then their next wisest move - to preserve their power - will be to remove all channels by which their power might one day become threatened.  In other words, remove all possible opposition.  And that's not even the real and genuine final goal.  If we are willing to go a step further and admit that it is Satan opposing God that is the real and genuine war, then once Satan has gained control of world government, working through the human instrumentalities that exist, then Satan's next move will be to do such things as he believes will strike the greatest blow that he can against the Holy Father that he wars against.  And who knows what exact form that will take, but it will be ugly, from a human point of view, beyond anything that we have previously seen or heard described in the annals of history.  Satan is burrowed in among God's children so for our sakes God withholds the full use of His power and might in wiping out Satan.  He knows that some among us will seek the way provided by His Son Jesus and, through undeserved mercy, be allowed to obtain it.  But it is prophesied that one day Satan will take over the body of a coming world leader, do much damage upon the Earth (very, very much damage) but then be destroyed by the coming of the Son - Jesus - back to Earth as conqueror and king.  By that time a very great many humans will have been murdered or otherwise destroyed by the calamities of the Great Tribulation.

  This COVID-19 spread is certainly seeming like some sort of hoax in many respects despite the disease being a real thing.  Global Warming seems to be a similar occurrence.  The near worldwide uprooting and overturning of traditional values also seems to be an evil and orchestrated idiocy.  And all are taking place at once.  With great intensity.  With a vengeance.  The great final attack, foretold from the most ancient of ages, is underway, and it is presently warring upon the minds and values of the Earth's human residents.  It needs to tear us away from truth and common sense and the knowledge of out origins as a creation of God Almighty to win and it has done a great deal to achieve that while we lazily slept, distracted and dull witted, letting it all happen.  I am guilty.  Are some of you?  We, the believers in Jesus' testimony and sacrifice, the Bride of Christ, the Christian Church, have had all of the tools to oppose this oppose all of these tricks and schemes of the Devil... and yet we lazily slept while it happened, and now the enemy is definitely inside the walls without ever having needed to breach the gates.  The enemies have entered the sheep pen, not needing to pass through the gate at all.  They were practically invited in by the Christians of the Christian Church. And they are now among us confusing us still...posing as a wise, enlightened, and friendly visitor with only our best interests in mind.  

  The Devil, Satan, the Enemy, has a more powerful mind than the Christian, and we  cannot play chess with him and win.  But we need to stay focused on the path given to the One sent from above to provide us a way.  That was OUR advantage:  the Devil can only call to us to approach him.  He has not been allowed to forcibly grab us off of the path, not allowed to kidnap us off of the path, he could only allure us off of the path.  But we were given enough strength to keep our eyes on Christ, if only we would choose to do so.  That was our 'super-power', if you will.  We were given free will to choose and enough strength to choose the good path, yet enough weakness to choose the evil path.  And then we were allowed to show our true colors.  And we can even choose the wrong direction and fall sometimes, but rise and reconsider our steps and head towards the Author Of Our Salvation once we rise again.  We nearly all seem to have some unknown number of chances to mess up but re-correct our course.  Yet one day we die and are judged by One who will know whether we were inclined towards right or towards wrong in the innermost part of our being.  And did we commit our life to the one and only path by which salvation can be obtained?  Did we seek the mercy and Lordship of God's one and only true Son, Jesus of Nazareth?  Anyway, no matter if these strange and often openly evil days mark the true beginning of the end or are perhaps just a dress rehearsal, it is war!  We are at war in a spiritual battle that we often cannot even see going on.  But we are in it up to the neck with our precious spiritual cargo - the final disposition of our own eternal soul - and we don't get to opt out of the war.  It is upon us...we were born into simply is a reality.  We are given a way to win:  attach to Jesus under His terms!  And we are given many ways to lose.  So like all our brethren and sisters in our own times, like all who came before us and all who will come after us, we must choose.  The nature of the choice we make is ALL IMPORTANT.  It is the biggest of all choices that we make during our entire Earth life.     





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