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2012 A.D.:  GeoProphecy?:  Is Long Island Shaped Like An Upside Down Fish?



  Long Island, New York in the USA is a pretty well-known place.  Part of the city of New York, it shares much of the mainland city's heritage and has a rich history of its own as well.  Where it is closest to the mainland it is at the mouth of the Hudson River and near the World Trade Center area, the Statue of Liberty and the United Nations to name just a few globally prominent landmarks. 

  I think that Long Island looks a lot like a fish.... but oddly it's upside down...and that's usually bad if you're a fish.  If it was placed there by God to look like a fish (a big 'if') what does it signify, and why is it upside down?  You can only speculate.  But...I've been to Long Island quite a few times now and I like the place.  It is surprisingly natural and undeveloped in many areas and has nature preserves and beautiful scenery.  Of course, there are actually a lot of people living there and they are pretty friendly to a stranger.  And they are a notably levelheaded and practical people if you visit with them. 

  But...getting back to the fish idea......what do you suppose it might mean if the resemblance was deliberate on God's part when He formed the sea and the lands?  The fish is a long time Christian symbol.  I've read it was the earliest Christian symbol.  Maybe the fish shape that seems to be formed by Long Island relates to New York City, or entities in residence there, who are always making attempts at putting 'the fish' (the Christian Church) on their stringer!

 And Gardiners Island (between the forked ends of the fish's tail) looks a little like a cross as well.  As we know, that's another Christian symbol.  And the women who first went to Jesus' tomb mistook him for 'the gardener'.  Different spelling, different language than they would have used.  But anyway...could it be a hint that this island was formed to put one in mind of Christianity?  So, is it an upside-down Christian fish, just an upside-down fish, or is it just imagination that it looks like a fish at all?  Only God knows!! 

  Look at the NASA Landsat image Long Island below, then come back up and click on the thumbnail.  (I am planning on selling the original art on this site, by the way.  Interested?  206-305-6927.







long island








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