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July 5th, 1687:  Newton Publishes His Gravitational Conclusions





  Before Science came along people got a lot more of their explanations from the Bible....from scripture.  It was believed that if you got the answer from scripture, you got the answer from God!  And God was considered a pretty weighty authority on all subjects.  But, Science grew stronger and more authoritative in the public eye, and soon enough they were considered by many to be the chief source of true information on a great many fronts.   And if there was a conflict between what God seemed to be saying in scripture and what Science seemed to have discovered, it came to be that many Christians would sheepishly close their Bible and turn away in embarrassed silence, having been corrected in their understandings by the powerful voice of Science.  But, here is a fact:  where a Scientist finds truth, a Scientist has found truth a truth about God or something God has done or made, etc.  Despite all of the noise to the contrary God the Father really did create it all - and us all - through His Son Jesus.  And the Biblical scriptures actually are completely reliable though they are not concerned in too many instances with Scientific information, but rather focus on history and spiritual teachings.  

  How are all things held together?  That is a fair question, right?  What holds material things together?  The Christian scriptures say it is Jesus of Nazareth.  The Bible says that Jesus 'holds all things together'.  Jesus....the WORD.  Of course the Bible is also 'the Word'.  In fact, Christians believe that the words of the Bible are actually a form of the presence of Jesus.  Those 66 BOOKS of the Protestant Bible, or those 73 Books of the Catholic Bible (and there are other Bibles with other numbers of books, but these 2 serve the most Christians by far)  are a form of Jesus.  They are the words of God.  It is a little mysterious.  But we are told that Jesus is the WORD. and we believe it.  Science would most likely say that what holds everything together is 'GRAVITATIONAL ATTRACTION'.  Matter attracts matter.  This attraction holds matter together.  This attraction is called GRAVITY.

  But here is a true mathematical unlikely 'coincidence' if you will.  There is a scientific constant, designated by a large letter 'G', which is called the gravitational constant.  Normally a Christian thinks (I believe) that God Almighty is the true most rightful owner of the title ' capitol 'G'  ' but Science has awarded this designator to the gravitational constant.  It is a value associated with the power of attraction of matter for matter, and the number has changed a lot over the decades.  But one commonly accepted value for it, even during this millennium, has been 6.673 

  So how odd is it that of all the possible numerals that could ever have happened to describe the magnitude of the force that holds all things together (according to Science) the numbers 66 and 73 should be the first 4 numerals of the constant.  There are 66 books in the Protestant bibles.  There are 73 books in the Catholic bibles.  And to the Christian, the Bible is the WORD, and Jesus is the WORD, and in some mysterious manner, the 2 are one, and scripture clearly and plainly states that it is Jesus that holds all things together in this Creation.   


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